Browse Songs

# Song Namesort descending Scripture Section Tune License
921 Amen, siakudu misa/Amen, We Praise Your Name, O God Offering Our Prayers MASITHI Contact Copyright Holder
511 Amid the Thronging Worshipers Psalm 22 Called and Gathered BOVINA Public Domain
62 An Advent Lament Advent Expectation
762 Ancient Words Hearing the Word ANCIENT WORDS CCLI
695 And Can It Be Forgiveness and Grace SAGINA Public Domain
81 Angels from the Realms of Glory Christmas REGENT SQUARE Public Domain
103 Arise, Shine, for Your Light Is Come
(Behold, Darkness Shall Cover the Earth)
Isaiah 6:1-5, 14, 20 Epiphany ARISE, SHINE OneLicense
102 Arise, Your Light Is Come Epiphany FESTAL SONG OneLicense, Public Domain
616 As a Deer in Want of Water Psalm 42 and 43 Confession and Lament FREU DICH SEHR/GENEVAN 42 CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
155 As He Gathered at His Table Maundy Thursday STUTTGART CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
156 As in That Upper Room You Left Your Seat Maundy Thursday UPPER ROOM CCLI, OneLicense
674 As Moses Raised the Serpent Up John 3:14-17 Forgiveness and Grace O WALY WALY CCLI, OneLicense
503 As the Deer Psalm 42:1 Called and Gathered AS THE DEER CCLI
332 As the Deer Pants for the Water Psalm 42 and 43 In Our Walk with God CERVUS INDOMITUS OneLicense
105 As with Gladness Men of Old Epiphany DIX Public Domain
694 Assurance: No Condemnation in Christ Romans 8:1, 11, 14-16 Forgiveness and Grace
703 Assurance: Surely He Took Up Our Pain Isaiah 53:4-6 Forgiveness and Grace
701 Assurance: Who Is a God Like You Micah 7:18-20 Forgiveness and Grace
832 At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing The Lord's Supper SALZBURG Public Domain
220 At the Name of Jesus Philippians 2:5-11 Ascension and Reign KING'S WESTON CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
86 Away in a Manger
(Away in a Manger (AWAY IN A MANGER))
Christmas AWAY IN A MANGER Public Domain
86 Away in a Manger
(Away in a Manger (CRADLE SONG))
Christmas CRADLE SONG Public Domain
391 Awit sa Dapit-Hapon/When Twilight Comes
(Evening Song)
In Marking Time DAPIT HAPON Contact Copyright Holder
588 Bān-bîn ah/Let All Nations Praise the Lord Psalm 117 Praise and Adoration O-LÓ OneLicense
846 Baptized in Christ Offering Our Lives BALLERMA Contact Copyright Holder
