Called and Gathered Songs

#sort descending Song Name Scripture Section Tune License
492 Come, Thou Almighty King Called and Gathered ITALIAN HYMN Public Domain
493 Cantai ao Senhor/O Sing to the Lord
(Cantad al Señor)
Called and Gathered CANTAI AO SENHOR CCLI, OneLicense, Contact Copyright Holder
494 A Greeting and Call to Worship Called and Gathered
495 Come, All You People, Praise Our God Psalm 66 Called and Gathered ADOWA Public Domain
496 Uyai mose/Come, All You People Psalm 66 Called and Gathered UYAI MOSE OneLicense
497 Our Help Psalm 124:8 Called and Gathered OUR HELP CCLI, OneLicense
498 Our Help Is in the Name of God the Lord Psalm 124 Called and Gathered GENEVAN 124 CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
499 The Earth, with All That Dwell Therein Psalm 24 Called and Gathered LOBT GOTT, IHR CHRISTEN Public Domain
500 LORD, Our Lord, Your Glorious Name (EVENING PRAISE) Psalm 8 Called and Gathered EVENING PRAISE Public Domain
501 LORD, Our Lord, Your Glorious Name Psalm 8 Called and Gathered GOTT SEI DANK DURCH ALLE WELT Public Domain
502 O Give the LORD Wholehearted Praise Psalm 111 Called and Gathered GERMANY Public Domain
503 As the Deer Psalm 42:1 Called and Gathered AS THE DEER CCLI
504 Como el ciervo/Like a Deer Psalm 42:1, 2 Called and Gathered LLENAME Contact Copyright Holder
505 Out of Need and Out of Custom Called and Gathered
506 Better Is One Day Psalm 84 Called and Gathered BETTER IS ONE DAY CCLI
507 How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Psalm 84 Called and Gathered ST. EDITH Public Domain
508 I Rejoiced When I Heard Them Say Psalm 122 Called and Gathered ENGLAND LicenSing
509 Come, Worship God Psalm 95 Called and Gathered O QUANTA QUALIA CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
510 Come, Let Us Worship and Bow Down Psalm 95:6-7 Called and Gathered COME, LET US WORSHIP CCLI
511 Amid the Thronging Worshipers Psalm 22 Called and Gathered BOVINA Public Domain
512 Now with Joyful Exultation Psalm 95 Called and Gathered BEECHER Public Domain
513 It is Good to Sing Your Praises Psalm 92 Called and Gathered ELLESDIE Public Domain
514 Optional prayer Called and Gathered Contact Copyright Holder, Public Domain
514 I Was Glad Psalm 122:1 Called and Gathered I WAS GLAD Contact Copyright Holder, Public Domain
515 Sing to the LORD, Sing His Praise Psalm 96 Called and Gathered WESLEY Public Domain
