Browse Songs

# Song Namesort descending Scripture Section Tune License
180 A Prayer of Easter Expectation Easter
447 A Prayer of Humility Psalm 131 In Difficult Times
270 A Prayer of Indigenous Peoples, Refugees, Immigrants, and Pilgrims Through the Church
686 A Prayer of Praise Forgiveness and Grace
875 A Prayer: Almighty God, Father of all Mercies Offering Our Gifts
653 A Prayer: Confession of Idolatry Confession and Lament
756 A Prayer: Make Us Hungry for Your Word Hearing the Word
448 A Prayer: Our Times Are in Your Hands In Difficult Times
160 A Reflection on Jesus' Prayers various scriptures Maundy Thursday
381 A Service of Evening Prayer In Marking Time
373 A Service of Morning Prayer In Marking Time
385 A Service of Night Prayer In Marking Time
556 A Song of Creation (Benedicite) Praise and Adoration
124 A Sower's Seed Fell on a Path Teaching and Miracles CONSOLATION/KENTUCKY HARMONY/MORNING SONG/RESIGNATION OneLicense, Public Domain
791 A Trustworthy Saying Titus 3:4-8 Baptism
911 Abana alathi fi ssama/Abana in Heaven Offering Our Prayers ABANA CCLI, OneLicense
466 Abide with Me In Death and Dying EVENTIDE Public Domain
775 Across the Lands
(You're the Word of God the Father)
Creeds and Confessions CCLI
484 Affirmation: Come, Lord Jesus The New Heaven and Earth
787 Affirmation: For You Jesus Christ Came Baptism
24 Affirmation: God as Creator and Provider Creation and Providence
8 Affirmation: How We Know God Creation and Providence
201 Affirmation: Jesus, Our Hope Easter
263 Affirmation: Joining the Mission of God Through the Church
434 Affirmation: My Only Comfort In Difficult Times
