Browse Songs

# Song Namesort descending Scripture Section Tune License
763 Blessed Jesus, at Your Word Hearing the Word LIEBSTER JESU Public Domain
954 Blessing: The Same Voice Speaks Doxology and Short Refrain
108 Blest Are the Innocents Epiphany BETA CCLI, OneLicense
117 Blest Are They Matthew 5:3-12 Teaching and Miracles BLEST ARE THEY OneLicense
285 Blest Be God In Culture, Communities, and Nations DANDANSOY OneLicense
257 Blest Be the Tie That Binds Through the Church DENNIS Public Domain
764 Break Now the Bread of Life Hearing the Word BREAD OF LIFE Public Domain
747 Breathe on Me, Breath of God Hearing the Word TRENTHAM Public Domain
658 Bring Peace to Earth Again Confession and Lament PACE MIO DIO CCLI
675 By Grace We Have Been Saved
(Oh, How I Love Jesus)
Forgiveness and Grace OH, HOW I LOVE JESUS CCLI, OneLicense
651 By the Babylonian Rivers Psalm 137 Confession and Lament CAPTIVITY/KAS DZIEDAJA CCLI, OneLicense
489 By the Sea of Crystal Revelation 4-5 The New Heaven and Earth CRYSTAL CCLI, OneLicense
171 Calvary Good Friday CALVARY Public Domain
493 Cantai ao Senhor/O Sing to the Lord
(Cantad al Señor)
Called and Gathered CANTAI AO SENHOR CCLI, OneLicense, Contact Copyright Holder
544 Cantemos al Señor/O Sing unto the Lord Praise and Adoration ROSAS CCLI, OneLicense
941 Canto de esperanza/Song of Hope Charge and Blessing ARGENTINA CCLI, OneLicense
626 Cast Down, O God, the Idols Confession and Lament RUTHERFORD OneLicense, Public Domain
198 Celtic Alleluia Easter CELTIC ALLELUIA LicenSing
725 Charge: A Living Sacrifice Romans 12:1-3 God's Gift of the Law
804 Child of Blessing, Child of Promise Baptism KINGDOM CCLI, OneLicense
23 Children of the Heavenly Father Creation and Providence TRYGGARE KAN INGEN VARA OneLicense, Public Domain
206 Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Sing Easter TRURO CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
250 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation Through the Church WESTMINSTER ABBEY Public Domain
204 Christ is Risen! Shout Hosanna Easter HYMN TO JOY CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
182 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Easter EASTER HYMN Public Domain
