Browse Songs

# Song Name Scripture Sectionsort descending Tune License
881 Use These Gifts Offering Our Gifts USE THESE GIFTS CCLI
878 God, We Honor You Offering Our Gifts ABUNDANT BLESSINGS Contact Copyright Holder
873 Praise and Thanksgiving Offering Our Gifts LOBET UND PRESIET CCLI, OneLicense
900 O Holy Spirit, by Whose Breath Offering Our Prayers PUER NOBIS CCLI, OneLicense, Contact Copyright Holder
905 오 소 서/Come Now, O Prince of Peace
Offering Our Prayers O-SO-SO OneLicense
903 O Lord, Hear My Prayer Offering Our Prayers HEAR MY PRAYER OneLicense
914 Our Father in Heaven Matthew 6:9-13 Offering Our Prayers ASAS CCLI, OneLicense
886 Prayers of the People 1 Offering Our Prayers
891 Gbemi, Jesu/Lift Me, Jesus Offering Our Prayers GBEMI, JESU Public Domain
917 Our Father in Heaven Matthew 6:9-13 Offering Our Prayers OUR FATHER RIMSKY-KORSAKOV Contact Copyright Holder
888 Optional spoken introduction Psalm 70; 17 Offering Our Prayers CCLI, OneLicense
915 Amen (Themba Amen) Offering Our Prayers AMEN THEMBA OneLicense
893 Hear My Cry, O God, and Save Me Psalm 77 Offering Our Prayers GENEVAN 77 CCLI, OneLicense
919 Our Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth Matthew 6:9-13 Offering Our Prayers VATER UNSER CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
902 Gathering Our Prayers Offering Our Prayers
908 Christ, Be Our Light Offering Our Prayers CHRIST, BE OUR LIGHT LicenSing
921 Amen, siakudu misa/Amen, We Praise Your Name, O God Offering Our Prayers MASITHI Contact Copyright Holder
895 Hear My Prayer, O God Psalm 143 Offering Our Prayers HYMN CHANT CCLI, OneLicense
906 Saranam, Saranam/Jesus, Savior, Lord Offering Our Prayers PUNJABI CCLI, OneLicense
908 Optional prayer litany Offering Our Prayers LicenSing
884 Hear Our Prayer, O Lord Offering Our Prayers WHELPTON Public Domain
899 Seek Ye First Offering Our Prayers LAFFERTY CCLI
911 Abana alathi fi ssama/Abana in Heaven Offering Our Prayers ABANA CCLI, OneLicense
910 Prayers of the People 2 Offering Our Prayers
887 Let Us Pray to the Lord Offering Our Prayers LET US PRAY Public Domain
