Browse Songs

# Song Name Scripture Sectionsort descending Tune License
834 Draw Us in the Spirit's Tether The Lord's Supper UNION SEMINARY CCLI, OneLicense
840 Behold the Lamb The Lord's Supper COMMUNION HYMN CCLI
814 Santo, Santo, Santo/Holy, Holy, Holy The Lord's Supper MERENGUE CCLI, OneLicense
838 Now Behold the Lamb The Lord's Supper NOW BEHOLD THE LAMB CCLI
807 All Who Are Thirsty The Lord's Supper MALATE CCLI, OneLicense
827 Now the Feast and Celebration The Lord's Supper NOW THE FEAST OneLicense
839 Worthy Is the Lamb Revelation 1:5-6, 5:12 The Lord's Supper
825 Beneath the Cross The Lord's Supper BENEATH THE CROSS CCLI
828 O Christ, Our Hope, Our Heart's Desire The Lord's Supper MANOAH Public Domain
823 O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts The Lord's Supper QUEBEC Public Domain
841 Lamb of God (Agnus Dei) The Lord's Supper
835 One Bread, One Body The Lord's Supper ONE BREAD, ONE BODY LicenSing
843 Optional table blessing The Lord's Supper Public Domain
818 Eat This Bread John 6:35 The Lord's Supper BERTHIER OneLicense
809 Remembering with Love and Hope The Lord's Supper LAND OF REST Contact Copyright Holder, Public Domain
808 Table of Plenty The Lord's Supper TABLE OF PLENTY LicenSing
843 Be Present at Our Table The Lord's Supper GENEVAN 134/OLD HUNDREDTH Public Domain
836 Bless the Lord, My Soul Psalm 103:1 The Lord's Supper BLESS THE LORD, MY SOUL OneLicense
813 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord The Lord's Supper HOLY, HOLY, HOLY LORD LicenSing, Public Domain
817 Taste and See Psalm 34 The Lord's Supper TASTE AND SEE OneLicense
806 The Nicene Creed 2 The Lord's Supper CCLI, OneLicense
842 I Am the Bread of Life John 6:35, 44; 11:25 The Lord's Supper I AM THE BREAD OneLicense
822 Optional prayer The Lord's Supper OneLicense
824 The King of Love My Shepherd Is Psalm 23 The Lord's Supper ST. COLUMBA Public Domain
806 We Believe The Lord's Supper WE BELIEVE CCLI, OneLicense
