Browse Songs

# Song Namesort descending Scripture Section Tune License
48 It Is Good to Give Thanks to You, Lord Psalm 106 God's Covenant Faithfulness NEW 106TH OneLicense
513 It is Good to Sing Your Praises Psalm 92 Called and Gathered ELLESDIE Public Domain
584 Je louerai l'Eternel/Praise, I Will Praise You, Lord Praise and Adoration JE LOUERAI L'ETERNAL Contact Copyright Holder
488 Jerusalem the Golden The New Heaven and Earth EWING Public Domain
520 Jesu tawa pano/Jesus, We Are Here Called and Gathered JESU, TAWA PANO OneLicense
299 Jesu, Jesu In Culture, Communities, and Nations CHEREPONI CCLI, OneLicense
121 Jesus Calls Us O'er the Tumult Teaching and Miracles GALILEE Public Domain
471 Jesus Christ Is the Way
(When I Think About)
127 Jesus Heard with Deep Compassion Teaching and Miracles PLEADING SAVIOR CCLI, OneLicense
138 Jesus Is a Rock in a Weary Land Transfiguration and Lenten Journey WEARY LAND OneLicense
226 Jesus Is Lord Ascension and Reign JESUS IS LORD CCLI
602 Jesus Is Our King Praise and Adoration POST GREEN CCLI, OneLicense
709 Jesus Loves Me Forgiveness and Grace JESUS LOVES ME Public Domain
130 Jesus On the Mountain Peak Transfiguration and Lenten Journey MOWSLEY CCLI, OneLicense
135 Jesus Set His Face Transfiguration and Lenten Journey FLINT CCLI, OneLicense
219 Jesus Shall Reign Psalm 72 Ascension and Reign DUKESTREET Public Domain
125 Jesus the Lord Said, 'I Am the Bread' Teaching and Miracles YISU NE KAHA CCLI, OneLicense
738 Jesus, All for Jesus Dedication to Holy Living ALL FOR JESUS CCLI
660 Jesus, Draw Me Ever Nearer Confession and Lament DRAW ME EVER NEARER CCLI
99 Jesus, Jesus, Oh, What a Wonderful Child Christmas WONDERFUL CHILD OneLicense, Public Domain
424 Jesus, Lover of My Soul In Difficult Times MARTYN OneLicense, Public Domain
425 Jesus, Priceless Treasure In Difficult Times GUD SKAL ALTING MAGE/LINDEMAN Public Domain
169 Jesus, Remember Me Luke 23:42 Good Friday JESUS REMEMBER ME OneLicense
115 Jesus, Tempted in the Desert Baptism of Our Lord GENEVA OneLicense
100 Jesus, the Light of the World Epiphany WE'LL WALK IN THE LIGHT OneLicense, Public Domain
