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Browse Songs
# |
Song Name![]() |
Scripture | Section | Tune | License |
240 | Fear Not, Rejoice and Be Glad | Joel 2-3 | Pentecost | CLAY | CCLI, OneLicense |
816 | Father, We Give You Thanks | The Lord's Supper | NEUMARK/WER NUR DEN LIEBEN GOTT | CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain | |
687 | Father, Long Before Creation | Forgiveness and Grace | CORONAE | Public Domain | |
122 | Far from Home We Run, Rebellious | Teaching and Miracles | GOTT WILL'S MACHEN | CCLI, OneLicense | |
852 | Faith Begins by Letting Go | Offering Our Lives | LUX PRIMA | CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain | |
388 | Every Heart Its Tribute Pays | Psalm 65 | In Marking Time | ST. GEORGE'S WINDSOR | CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain |
641 | Eternal Spirit, God of Truth | Confession and Lament | FOREST GREEN | Public Domain | |
84 |
Ere zij God/Glory to God (Glory to God) |
Luke 2:14 | Christmas | ERE ZIJ GOD | CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain |
368 |
El Señor es mi pastor/My Shepherd is the LORD (My Shepherd Is the Lord) |
Psalm 23 | In Grateful Living | PASTOR | CCLI, OneLicense |
774 | El Señor es mi luz/The Lord Is My Light | Psalm 27 | Creeds and Confessions | EL SEÑOR ES MI LUZ | LicenSing, Contact Copyright Holder |
818 | Eat This Bread | John 6:35 | The Lord's Supper | BERTHIER | OneLicense |
195 | Easter Call to Worship | Isaiah 25:6-9 | Easter | ||
271 | Earth and All Stars | In Culture, Communities, and Nations | DEXTER/EARTH AND ALL STARS | OneLicense | |
745 | Dwell in Me, O Blessed Spirit | Dedication to Holy Living | DWELL IN ME | Public Domain | |
834 | Draw Us in the Spirit's Tether | The Lord's Supper | UNION SEMINARY | CCLI, OneLicense | |
73 | Dona Nobis Pacem | Advent Expectation | DONA NOBIS PACEM | Public Domain | |
429 | Don't Be Afraid | In Difficult Times | DON'T BE AFRAID | OneLicense | |
654 | Do Not Keep Silent, O God | Psalm 83 | Confession and Lament | TEMPEST WIND | OneLicense |
522 | Dios está aquí/God is Here Today | Called and Gathered | DIOS ESTÁ AQUÍ | CCLI, OneLicense | |
605 |
Digno es Jesús/Worthy Is Christ (Worthy Is Christ) |
Praise and Adoration | DIGNO ES JESÚS | Public Domain | |
702 | Depth of Mercy | Forgiveness and Grace | DEPTH OF MERCY | CCLI | |
656 | Deliver Me from Evil | Psalm 140 | Confession and Lament | HERZLICH TUT MICH VERLANGEN/PASSION CHORALE | CCLI, OneLicense |
723 | Deep Within | God's Gift of the Law | DEEP WITHIN | OneLicense | |
106 |
De tierra lejana venimos/From a Distant Home (From a Distant Home) |
Epiphany | ISLA DEL ENCANTO | OneLicense, Public Domain | |
437 | Day by Day | In Difficult Times | BLOTT EN DAG | Public Domain |