Browse Songs

# Song Namesort ascending Scripture Section Tune License
935 Optional blessing (Is. 42:6-9) Isaiah 42:6-9 Charge and Blessing Public Domain
950 Optional blessing (from Phil. 4:7) Philippians 4:7 Charge and Blessing CCLI, OneLicense
936 Optional blessing (Eph. 3:20-21) Ephesians 3:20-21 Charge and Blessing CCLI, Public Domain
946 Optional blessing Charge and Blessing CCLI, OneLicense
667 Optional assurance (2 Cor. 4:6-7) 2 Corinthians 4:6-7 Forgiveness and Grace Public Domain
420 Optional acclamations In Difficult Times CCLI
198 Optional acclamation with spoken Alleluia Easter LicenSing
601 Optional acclamation (Rev. 1:5b) Revelation 1:5b Praise and Adoration Public Domain
680 Optional acclamation (Eph. 1:17-23) Ephesians 1:17-23 Forgiveness and Grace OneLicense
100 Optional acclamation Epiphany OneLicense, Public Domain
596 Optional Acclamation Praise and Adoration OneLicense
751 Open Your Ears, O Faithful People Hearing the Word YISRAEL V'ORAITA CCLI, OneLicense, LicenSing, Contact Copyright Holder
537 Open the Eyes of My Heart Called and Gathered EYES OF MY HEART CCLI
297 Open Our Eyes
(Come and Bring Light to a People)
In Culture, Communities, and Nations OPEN OUR EYES CCLI, OneLicense
243 One People, Here, We Gather Through the Church MUNICH OneLicense, Public Domain
835 One Bread, One Body The Lord's Supper ONE BREAD, ONE BODY LicenSing
87 Once in Royal David's City Christmas IRBY Public Domain
70 On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry Advent Expectation PUER NOBIS Public Domain
89 On Christmas Night Christmas SUSSEX CAROL Public Domain
177 Oh, to See the Dawn
(The Power of the Cross)
796 Oh, the Deep, Deep, Love of Jesus Baptism EBENEZER Public Domain
192 Oh, que' bueno es Jesús/Oh, How Good Is Christ the Lord Easter OH QUÉ BUENO OneLicense, Public Domain
676 Oh, How I Love Jesus
(There Is a Name I Love to Hear)
Forgiveness and Grace Public Domain
590 Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing Praise and Adoration AZMON CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
78 Of the Father's Love Begotten Christmas DIVINIUM MYSTERIUM CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
