419 |
Optional prayer |
In Difficult Times |
CCLI, OneLicense |
852 |
Optional prayer |
Offering Our Lives |
CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain |
34 |
Optional prayer (1 Cor. 15:22) |
1 Corinthians 15:22 |
Fall and the Human Condition |
CCLI, OneLicense |
212 |
Optional prayer (1 Cor. 15:57) |
I Cor. 15:57 |
Ascension and Reign |
CCLI, OneLicense |
339 |
Optional prayer (based on Ps. 139) |
In Our Walk with God |
426 |
Optional prayer (based on Ps. 141:8; 2 Cor. 4:6) |
In Difficult Times |
Public Domain |
578 |
Optional Prayer (based on Ps. 90:1-2) |
Psalm 90:1-2 |
Praise and Adoration |
529 |
Optional Prayer (Eph. 4:12-13) |
Ephesians 4:12-13 |
Called and Gathered |
OneLicense |
73 |
Optional prayer (with Dona nobis pacem) |
Advent Expectation |
Public Domain |
45 |
Optional prayer for Christmas or Pentecost |
God's Covenant Faithfulness |
CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain |
246 |
Optional prayer for church anniversary or dedication |
Through the Church |
CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain |
355 |
Optional prayer for times of natural disaster |
In Grateful Living |
CCLI, OneLicense |
643 |
Optional prayer for use with Psalm 7 |
Confession and Lament |
CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain |
458 |
Optional prayer in solidarity with the dying |
In Death and Dying |
Contact Copyright Holder |
413 |
Optional prayer in solidarity with those who suffer injustice |
In Difficult Times |
CCLI, OneLicense |
431 |
Optional prayer in times of tragecy |
In Difficult Times |
CCLI, OneLicense |
908 |
Optional prayer litany |
Offering Our Prayers |
LicenSing |
41 |
Optional prayer of baptismal renewal |
God's Covenant Faithfulness |
CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain |
869 |
Optional prayer of blessing for commissioning |
Offering Our Lives |
LicenSing |
113 |
Optional prayer of confession |
Baptism of Our Lord |
CCLI, OneLicense |
122 |
Optional prayer of confession |
Teaching and Miracles |
CCLI, OneLicense |
293 |
Optional prayer of confession |
In Culture, Communities, and Nations |
OneLicense |
734 |
Optional Prayer of Dedication |
Dedication to Holy Living |
CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain |
293 |
Optional prayer of lament |
In Culture, Communities, and Nations |
OneLicense |
643 |
Optional prayer of lament in circumstances of injustice |
Confession and Lament |
CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain |