Browse Songs

# Song Namesort descending Scripture Section Tune License
697 Affirmation: Righteous Before God Forgiveness and Grace
865 Affirmation: Sharing Gifts Within the Body Offering Our Lives
569 Affirmation: The Benefits of Christ's Death and Resurrection Praise and Adoration
213 Affirmation: The Benefits of the Ascension Ascension and Reign
253 Affirmation: The Church Universal Through the Church
245 Affirmation: The Communion of Saints Through the Church
678 Affirmation: The Forgiveness of Sins Forgiveness and Grace
229 Affirmation: The Holy Spirit Pentecost
463 Affirmation: The Resurrection of the Body In Death and Dying
829 Affirmation: The Sacrament of Christ's Body and Blood The Lord's Supper
259 Affirmation: The Unity of the Body Through the Church
342 Affirmation: True Faith In Our Walk with God
705 Affirmation: Washed with Christ's Blood and Spirit Forgiveness and Grace
778 Affirmation: What Do You Believe About God Creeds and Confessions
826 Affirmation: What God Says Through the Supper The Lord's Supper
731 Affirmation: Why We Do Good Works Dedication to Holy Living
848 Affirming Baptism and Professing Faith Offering Our Lives
172 Ah, Holy Jesus, How Have You Offended Good Friday HERZLIEBSTER JESU Public Domain
870 Ahead of Us a Race to Run Offering Our Lives SOLID ROCK CCLI, Public Domain
279 Alabad al Señor/Praise the Lord! Psalm 117 In Culture, Communities, and Nations ALABAD AL SEÑOR CCLI, OneLicense
173 Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed Good Friday MARTYRDOM OneLicense, Public Domain
183 Aleluya/Alleluia
(Alleluia (Honduran))
269 All Are Welcome Through the Church TWO OAKS OneLicense
551 All Creatures of Our God and King Praise and Adoration LASST UNS ERFREUEN Public Domain
542 All Glory Be to God on High Praise and Adoration ALLEIN GOTT IN DER HÖH' SEI HER OneLicense, Public Domain
