Browse Songs

# Song Name Scripture Sectionsort ascending Tune License
225 You, Lord, Are Both Lamb and Shepherd Ascension and Reign PICARDY OneLicense, Public Domain
215 A Prayer in Times of International Strife Ascension and Reign
211 Psalm 68:1-19 Psalm 68:1-19 Ascension and Reign CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
218 Optional prayer Ascension and Reign CCLI, OneLicense
221 For the Honor of Our King Psalm 45 Ascension and Reign MONKLAND CCLI, Public Domain
209 Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise Ascension and Reign LLANFAIR Public Domain
222 He Is King of Kings Ascension and Reign HE IS KING CCLI, Public Domain
212 Give Praise to God with Reverence Deep Psalm 68:20-35 Ascension and Reign GENEVAN 68 CCLI, OneLicense
227 He Is Lord Ascension and Reign HE IS LORD CCLI
226 Jesus Is Lord Ascension and Reign JESUS IS LORD CCLI
219 Jesus Shall Reign Psalm 72 Ascension and Reign DUKESTREET Public Domain
223 Crown Him with Many Crowns Ascension and Reign DIADEMATA Public Domain
211 Lift Up Your Voices Ascension and Reign GENEVAN 68/OLD 113th CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
216 Nations, Clap Your Hands Psalm 47 Ascension and Reign GENEVAN 47 CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
208 A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing! Ascension and Reign LASST UNS ERFREUEN OneLicense
195 Easter Call to Worship Isaiah 25:6-9 Easter
198 Celtic Alleluia Easter CELTIC ALLELUIA LicenSing
190 O Sons and Daughters Easter O FILII ET FILIAE Public Domain
198 Optional acclamation with spoken Alleluia Easter LicenSing
192 Oh, que' bueno es Jesús/Oh, How Good Is Christ the Lord Easter OH QUÉ BUENO OneLicense, Public Domain
201 Affirmation: Jesus, Our Hope Easter
200 Praise the Lord, the Day Is Won Psalm 105 Easter CCLI, OneLicense
199 Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain
(Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain)
Easter ST. KEVIN Public Domain
206 Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Sing Easter TRURO CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
191 Praise the Savior, Now and Ever Easter UPP, MIN TUNGA Public Domain
