Browse Songs

# Song Name Scripture Sectionsort ascending Tune License
392 O Joyous Light of Glory In Marking Time JOYEUSE LUMIERE Contact Copyright Holder, Public Domain
380 Midday Prayers In Marking Time
386 Christ, Mighty Savior In Marking Time INNISFREE FARM CCLI, OneLicense, Contact Copyright Holder
384 O Lord, Come Quickly: Hear Me Pray Psalm 141 In Marking Time WHEN JESUS WEPT CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
381 A Service of Evening Prayer In Marking Time
374 O Splendor of God's Glory Bright In Marking Time PUER NOBIS Public Domain
383 My Spirit Glorifies the Lord Luke 1:46-55 In Marking Time PENTECOST CCLI, OneLicense
397 Praise God for the Harvest of Orchard and Field In Marking Time STOWEY CCLI, OneLicense, Contact Copyright Holder
385 A Service of Night Prayer In Marking Time
368 El Señor es mi pastor/My Shepherd is the LORD
(My Shepherd Is the Lord)
Psalm 23 In Grateful Living PASTOR CCLI, OneLicense
366 My Jesus, I Love Thee In Grateful Living GORDON Public Domain
369 My Shepherd Will Supply My Need Psalm 23 In Grateful Living RESIGNATION Contact Copyright Holder, Public Domain
370 My Soul Finds Rest Psalm 62 In Grateful Living MY SOUL FINDS REST CCLI
355 Optional prayer for times of natural disaster In Grateful Living CCLI, OneLicense
363 Blessed Assurance: Jesus Is Mine In Grateful Living ASSURANCE Public Domain
367 O God, You Are My God Alone Psalm 63 In Grateful Living GRATUS CCLI, OneLicense
364 Tell Out, My Soul Luke 1:46-55 In Grateful Living WOODLANDS CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
371 Tu fidelidad/I Depend upon Your Faithfulness
(I Depend upon Your Faithfulness)
In Grateful Living TU FIDELIDAD Contact Copyright Holder
361 Because He Lives
(God Sent His Son)
360 You Are My King (Amazing Love)
(Amazing Love)
In Grateful Living YOU ARE MY KING CCLI
356 Fill Thou My Life, O Lord, My God In Grateful Living ELLACOMBE Public Domain
365 I Serve a Risen Savior
(He Lives)
In Grateful Living ACKLEY CCLI
358 Give Thanks In Grateful Living GIVE THANKS CCLI
362 I'm So Glad In Grateful Living JESUS LIFTED ME OneLicense
357 In the Lord I'll Be Ever Thankful In Grateful Living OneLicense
