Browse Songs

# Song Name Scripture Sectionsort ascending Tune License
399 Bless the LORD, O Saints and Servants Psalm 113 In Marking Time AUSTRIAN HYMN CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
400 Greet Now the Swiftly Changing Year In Marking Time SIXTH NIGHT CCLI, OneLicense
372 When Morning Gilds the Sky In Marking Time LAUDES DOMINI Public Domain
376 Hear, O LORD, My Urgent Prayer Psalm 5 In Marking Time TEBBEN CCLI, OneLicense
403 Wildflowers Bloom and Fade Psalm 90 In Marking Time INCARNATION OneLicense
394 Optional reading (Ps. 42:8,11) Psalm 42:8,11 In Marking Time Public Domain
401 Hours and Days and Years and Ages In Marking Time O DU LIEBE MEINER LIEBE CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
375 Your Name
(As Morning Dawns and Evening Fades)
In Marking Time YOUR NAME CCLI
389 Joyous Light of Heavenly Glory In Marking Time JOYOUS LIGHT OneLicense
360 You Are My King (Amazing Love)
(Amazing Love)
In Grateful Living YOU ARE MY KING CCLI
361 Because He Lives
(God Sent His Son)
356 Fill Thou My Life, O Lord, My God In Grateful Living ELLACOMBE Public Domain
365 I Serve a Risen Savior
(He Lives)
In Grateful Living ACKLEY CCLI
358 Give Thanks In Grateful Living GIVE THANKS CCLI
362 I'm So Glad In Grateful Living JESUS LIFTED ME OneLicense
357 In the Lord I'll Be Ever Thankful In Grateful Living OneLicense
359 Give Thanks to God, Who Hears Our Cries Psalm 107 In Grateful Living CONSOLATION/MORNING SONG CCLI, OneLicense
355 Be Gracious to Me, Lord Psalm 57 In Grateful Living MIKTAM CCLI, OneLicense
354 LORD, I Gladly Trust Psalm 25 In Grateful Living REDHEAD 76 CCLI, OneLicense
368 El Señor es mi pastor/My Shepherd is the LORD
(My Shepherd Is the Lord)
Psalm 23 In Grateful Living PASTOR CCLI, OneLicense
366 My Jesus, I Love Thee In Grateful Living GORDON Public Domain
369 My Shepherd Will Supply My Need Psalm 23 In Grateful Living RESIGNATION Contact Copyright Holder, Public Domain
355 Optional prayer for times of natural disaster In Grateful Living CCLI, OneLicense
370 My Soul Finds Rest Psalm 62 In Grateful Living MY SOUL FINDS REST CCLI
363 Blessed Assurance: Jesus Is Mine In Grateful Living ASSURANCE Public Domain
