Browse Songs

# Song Name Scripture Sectionsort ascending Tune License
460 Our Eyes Are Turned In Death and Dying OneLicense
459 Within the Shelter of the Lord Psalm 91 In Death and Dying YE BANKS AND BRAES CCLI, OneLicense
462 O Lord, Hear My Prayer Psalm 102:1-2 In Death and Dying HEAR MY PRAYER OneLicense
463 Affirmation: The Resurrection of the Body In Death and Dying
465 Precious Lord, Take My Hand In Death and Dying PRECIOUS LORD OneLicense
454 Beams of Heaven In Death and Dying SOME DAY CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
461 A Litany for the Sick or Dying Psalm 102 In Death and Dying
453 How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds In Death and Dying ST. PETER Public Domain
468 I Will Rise In Death and Dying I WILL RISE CCLI
458 My Times Are in Your Hands Psalm 31 In Death and Dying MARGARET Contact Copyright Holder
467 O Christ, You Wept When Grief was Raw In Death and Dying ROCKINGHAM OneLicense, Public Domain
447 A Prayer of Humility Psalm 131 In Difficult Times
423 Give Me Jesus
(In the Morning When I Rise)
In Difficult Times GIVE ME JESUS CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
427 How Firm a Foundation Isaiah 43:1-5 In Difficult Times FOUNDATION CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
408 Psalm 41 Psalm 41 In Difficult Times Contact Copyright Holder, Public Domain
435 My Soul Finds Rest in God Alone Psalm 62 In Difficult Times THIRD MODE MELODY CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
448 A Prayer: Our Times Are in Your Hands In Difficult Times
436 How I Love You, LORD, My God Psalm 18:1-6, 30-32 In Difficult Times ABERYSTWYTH CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
444 Nada te turbe/Nothing Can Trouble
(Nothing Can Trouble)
In Difficult Times NADA TE TURBE OneLicense
429 Don't Be Afraid In Difficult Times DON'T BE AFRAID OneLicense
410 How Long Will You Forget Me, Lord Psalm 13 In Difficult Times MARTYRDOM CCLI, OneLicense
409 Optional concluding prayer In Difficult Times CCLI, OneLicense
450 Neither Death nor Life Romans 8:38-39 In Difficult Times NEITHER DEATH OneLicense
439 I Love the Lord; He Heard My Cry Psalm 116:1-2 In Difficult Times CCLI, Public Domain
428 O Lord, Be Our Refuge Psalm 11 In Difficult Times CCLI, OneLicense
