Browse Songs

# Song Name Scripture Sectionsort descending Tune License
934 God of Mercy, God of Grace Psalm 67 Charge and Blessing DIX Public Domain
946 Optional blessing Charge and Blessing CCLI, OneLicense
927 God, the Father of Your People Charge and Blessing HOLY MANNA CCLI, OneLicense, Contact Copyright Holder
950 Optional blessing (from Phil. 4:7) Philippians 4:7 Charge and Blessing CCLI, OneLicense
957 Haleluya! Pelo tsa rona/Hallelujah! We Sing Your Praises Doxology and Short Refrain HALELUYA! PELO TSO RONA OneLicense
953 Now Blessed Be the Lord Our God Psalm 72:18-19 Doxology and Short Refrain CORONATION Public Domain
954 Blessing: The Same Voice Speaks Doxology and Short Refrain
961 Glory Be to the Father Doxology and Short Refrain GLORIA PATRI Public Domain
958 Alleluia, Alleluia (Sinclair) Doxology and Short Refrain SINCLAIR Contact Copyright Holder
963 Heleluyan/Hallelujah, We Are Singing Doxology and Short Refrain HELELUYAN CCLI, OneLicense
964 Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow Doxology and Short Refrain NEW DOXOLOGY Public Domain
965 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow Doxology and Short Refrain GENEVAN 134/OLD HUNDREDTH CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
956 To God Be the Glory Doxology and Short Refrain MY TRIBUTE CCLI
955 Mungu ni mwema/Know that God Is Good Psalm 73 Doxology and Short Refrain MUNGU NI MWEMA OneLicense
962 Alleluia (Monteiro) Doxology and Short Refrain ALLELUIA MONTEIRO CCLI, OneLicense
960 Alle, Alle, Alleluia Doxology and Short Refrain ALLELUIA URUGUAY OneLicense
952 Praise God! Earth and Heaven Rejoice Psalm 150 Doxology and Short Refrain GENEVAN 150 CCLI, OneLicense
959 Glory Be to the Father Doxology and Short Refrain MEINEKE Public Domain
