Teaching and Miracles Songs

# Song Name Scripture Sectionsort descending Tune License
116 Tu has venido a la orilla/You Have Come Down to the Lakeshore
(You Have Come Down to the Lakeshore)
Teaching and Miracles PESCADOR DE HOMBRES LicenSing
122 Optional prayer of confession Teaching and Miracles CCLI, OneLicense
123 Optional reading (Matt. 11:28-30) Matthew 11:28-30 Teaching and Miracles CCLI, OneLicense
124 A Sower's Seed Fell on a Path Teaching and Miracles CONSOLATION/KENTUCKY HARMONY/MORNING SONG/RESIGNATION OneLicense, Public Domain
117 Blest Are They Matthew 5:3-12 Teaching and Miracles BLEST ARE THEY OneLicense
123 Come to Me, O Weary Traveler Teaching and Miracles AUSTIN CCLI, OneLicense
126 Come, One and All Psalm 49 Teaching and Miracles KIU-JI-IT CCLI, OneLicense, Contact Copyright Holder
122 Far from Home We Run, Rebellious Teaching and Miracles GOTT WILL'S MACHEN CCLI, OneLicense
128 I Heard the Voice of Jesus Calling Teaching and Miracles LOUISE OneLicense
121 Jesus Calls Us O'er the Tumult Teaching and Miracles GALILEE Public Domain
127 Jesus Heard with Deep Compassion Teaching and Miracles PLEADING SAVIOR CCLI, OneLicense
125 Jesus the Lord Said, 'I Am the Bread' Teaching and Miracles YISU NE KAHA CCLI, OneLicense
119 Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning Teaching and Miracles KEEP YOUR LAMPS OneLicense
120 Look and Learn Matthew 6:23-24 Teaching and Miracles LOOK AND LEARN OneLicense
129 Somlandela/We Will Follow
(We Will Follow)
Teaching and Miracles SOMLANDELA Contact Copyright Holder
118 The Kingdom of Our God Is Like Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 Teaching and Miracles DOVE OF PEACE CCLI, OneLicense