Maundy Thursday Songs

# Song Name Scripture Sectionsort descending Tune License
159 Stay with Me from Matthew 26 Maundy Thursday STAY WITH ME OneLicense
157 Meekness and Majesty
(This is Your God)
152 I Love the Lord; He Heard My Cry Psalm 116 Maundy Thursday I LOVE THE LORD; HE HEARD MY CRY fragment CCLI, Public Domain
154 Optional reading (from 1 John 4:7-12) 1 John 4:7-12 Maundy Thursday OneLicense
155 Optional prayer Maundy Thursday CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
157 Optional prayer Maundy Thursday CCLI
158 Tenebrae Service (Service of Shadows) Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22& 23 Maundy Thursday OneLicense
160 A Reflection on Jesus' Prayers various scriptures Maundy Thursday
155 As He Gathered at His Table Maundy Thursday STUTTGART CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
156 As in That Upper Room You Left Your Seat Maundy Thursday UPPER ROOM CCLI, OneLicense
153 Great God, Your Love Has Called Us Here Maundy Thursday RYBURN CCLI, OneLicense
154 Ubi caritas et amor/Live In Charity
(Live in Charity)
Maundy Thursday UBI CARITAS OneLicense
158 Shadows Lengthen into Night
(Sharing Paschal Bread and Wine)
Maundy Thursday TENEBRAE OneLicense