Amid the Thronging Worshipers


Performance Notes:

Text Information:

Scripture References
st.1 = Ps. 22:22-23
st.2 = Ps. 22:24-25
st.3 = Ps. 22:26-28

“Amid the Thronging Worshipers” is a versification from the concluding part of Psalm 22, that great psalm of lament most quoted in the New Testament. The conclusion of Psalm 22 features vows of strong praise made in the sure faith that God will deliver the believer and answer prayer. Like many psalms, this text is cosmic in scope, moving from the singular “I” (st.1) to “his people” and saints” (st.1-2) to “all the earth” (st.3) The versification is from the 1912 Psalter. See PHH22 for further commentary on Psalm 22.

Liturgical Use:
Beginning of worship; praise occasions.

Tune Information:

Laura A. Tate composed the tune BOVINA, which was first published with this text in the 1912 Psalter published by the United Presbyterian Church (UPC). No information is known about her, but since her tune was copyrighted by the UPC in 1904 she may have been associated with that denomination. Sing in four broad phrases, perhaps in harmony.

Other Resources:

  •  Visit for more information on this song and additional resources.
Psalm 22
Song Number: 
Projection and Reprint Information: 
  • Words and Music: The Words and Music are in the Public Domain; you do not need permission to project or reprint the Words and Music.
Public Domain