Browse Songs

# Song Namesort descending Scripture Section Tune License
790 Baptized in Water Baptism BUNESSAN CCLI, OneLicense
789 Baptized into Christ Jesus Romans 6:3-4 Baptism
355 Be Gracious to Me, Lord Psalm 57 In Grateful Living MIKTAM CCLI, OneLicense
843 Be Present at Our Table The Lord's Supper GENEVAN 134/OLD HUNDREDTH Public Domain
907 Be Still and Know Psalm 46:10 Offering Our Prayers BE STILL AND KNOW CCLI, OneLicense
892 Be Still and Know (Bell) Psalm 46:10 Offering Our Prayers BE STILL AND KNOW BELL OneLicense
532 Be Still, for the Presence Called and Gathered BE STILL, FOR THE PRESENCE CCLI
859 Be Thou My Vision Offering Our Lives SLANE CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
454 Beams of Heaven In Death and Dying SOME DAY CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
607 Beautiful One Praise and Adoration BEAUTIFUL ONE CCLI
17 Beautiful Savior
(Fairest Lord Jesus)
361 Because He Lives
(God Sent His Son)
682 Before the Throne of God Above Forgiveness and Grace BEFORE THE THRONE CCLI
840 Behold the Lamb The Lord's Supper COMMUNION HYMN CCLI
110 Behold the Lamb of God
(As of Old God Promised )
Epiphany KENSINGTON OneLicense
825 Beneath the Cross The Lord's Supper BENEATH THE CROSS CCLI
167 Beneath the Cross of Jesus Good Friday ST. CHRISTOPHER Public Domain
506 Better Is One Day Psalm 84 Called and Gathered BETTER IS ONE DAY CCLI
576 Bless the Lord, Bless the Lord Praise and Adoration BLESS THE LORD, BLESS THE LORD Public Domain
836 Bless the Lord, My Soul Psalm 103:1 The Lord's Supper BLESS THE LORD, MY SOUL OneLicense
516 Bless the Lord, O My Soul Psalm 103:1 Called and Gathered BLESS THE LORD CCLI
399 Bless the LORD, O Saints and Servants Psalm 113 In Marking Time AUSTRIAN HYMN CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
363 Blessed Assurance: Jesus Is Mine In Grateful Living ASSURANCE Public Domain
67 Blessed Be the God of Israel
(Song of Zechariah)
Luke 1:68-79 Advent Expectation FOREST GREEN CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
343 Blessed Be Your Name In Our Walk with God BLESSED BE YOUR NAME CCLI
