Browse Songs

# Song Name Scripture Sectionsort ascending Tune License
634 A Prayer for God's Mercy (Trisagion) Confession and Lament
620 Good to Me Confession and Lament GOOD TO ME CCLI
624 Not What My Hands Have Done Confession and Lament LEOMINSTER Public Domain
636 A Prayer of Confession and Assurance Confession and Lament
657 Hear My Cry and Supplication Psalm 142 Confession and Lament ARISE/RESTORATION CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
630 O Christ, the Lamb of God Confession and Lament CHRISTE, DU LAMM GOTTES CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
640 A Prayer of Confession Confession and Lament
656 Deliver Me from Evil Psalm 140 Confession and Lament HERZLICH TUT MICH VERLANGEN/PASSION CHORALE CCLI, OneLicense
642 Optional response of assurance (Ezek. 36:25-26) Ezekial 36:25-26 Confession and Lament CCLI
621 Give Me a Clean Heart Psalm 51 Confession and Lament GIVE ME A CLEAN HEART OneLicense, Contact Copyright Holder
649 I Call to You, My Rock Psalm 28 Confession and Lament RHOSYMEDRE CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
613 Come to the Savior Now Confession and Lament INVITATION Public Domain
645 Litany for the Slandered Psalm 35 and James 3:9-10 Confession and Lament
650 O When Will We See Justice Done Psalms 58-61 Confession and Lament KINGSFOLD CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
643 Optional prayer of lament in circumstances of injustice Confession and Lament CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
655 Out of the Depths I Cry to You on High Psalm 130 Confession and Lament SANDON Public Domain
614 Come, You Disconsolate Confession and Lament CONSOLATOR Public Domain
643 Optional prayer of lament in solidarity with others who experience injustices Confession and Lament CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
654 Do Not Keep Silent, O God Psalm 83 Confession and Lament TEMPEST WIND OneLicense
652 I Lift My Eyes Up Psalm 121 Confession and Lament I LIFT MY EYES UP CCLI
643 Plaintive Is the Song I Sing Psalm 7 Confession and Lament NUN KOMM DER HEIDEN HEILAND CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
643 Optional prayer for use with Psalm 7 Confession and Lament CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
658 Bring Peace to Earth Again Confession and Lament PACE MIO DIO CCLI
664 I Need Your Help, O LORD My God Psalm 55 Confession and Lament RESTING PLACE CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
646 O God, My Faithful God Confession and Lament DARMSTADT/WAS FRAG' ICH NACH DER WELT Public Domain
