Browse Songs

# Song Name Scripture Sectionsort descending Tune License
575 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Praise and Adoration LOBE DEN HERREN Contact Copyright Holder, Public Domain
605 Digno es Jesús/Worthy Is Christ
(Worthy Is Christ)
Praise and Adoration DIGNO ES JESÚS Public Domain
559 Ten Thousand Reasons Praise and Adoration CCLI
567 Here I Am to Worship Praise and Adoration HERE I AM TO WORSHIP CCLI
610 Lord, I Lift Your Name on High Praise and Adoration LORD, I LIFT YOUR NAME ON HIGH CCLI
563 Praise Ye the Lord, Hallelujah Psalm 150 Praise and Adoration CLEVELAND CCLI, OneLicense
600 Yesu azali awa/Jesus Christ Is with Us
(Jesus Christ Is with Us)
Praise and Adoration YESU AZALI AWA CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
562 Optional Call to Worship (from Ps. 78:3-7) Psalm 78:3-7 Praise and Adoration CCLI, OneLicense
588 Bān-bîn ah/Let All Nations Praise the Lord Psalm 117 Praise and Adoration O-LÓ OneLicense
540 Holy God, We Praise Your Name Praise and Adoration GROSSER GOTT CCLI, OneLicense, Public Domain
631 Holy God Confession and Lament AGIOS, O THEOS Contact Copyright Holder, Public Domain
662 In an Age of Twisted Values Confession and Lament CHURCH UNITED CCLI, OneLicense
632 Remember Not, O God Psalm 79 Confession and Lament GORTON Public Domain
653 A Prayer: Confession of Idolatry Confession and Lament
651 By the Babylonian Rivers Psalm 137 Confession and Lament CAPTIVITY/KAS DZIEDAJA CCLI, OneLicense
660 Jesus, Draw Me Ever Nearer Confession and Lament DRAW ME EVER NEARER CCLI
615 Softly and Tenderly, Jesus Is Calling Confession and Lament THOMPSON Public Domain
661 Just a Closer Walk with Thee
(I Am Weak But Thou Art Strong)
Confession and Lament CLOSER WALK Public Domain
627 Just As I Am, Without One Plea Confession and Lament WOODWORTH Public Domain
617 Spirit Divine, Inspire Our Prayer Confession and Lament GRÄFENBERG Public Domain
663 Pelas dores deste mundo/For the Troubles Confession and Lament PELAS DORES DESTE MUNDO OneLicense
628 Give Us Clean Hands
(We Bow Our Hearts, We Bend Our Knees)
Confession and Lament GIVE US CLEAN HANDS CCLI
633 Kyrie/Lord, Have Mercy (Brumm) Confession and Lament KYRIE BRUMM Contact Copyright Holder
618 Spirit of God, Who Dwells Within My Heart Confession and Lament MORECAMBE Public Domain
637 Kyrie Eleison/Lord, Have Mercy (from Ghana) Confession and Lament KYRIE GHANA Contact Copyright Holder, Public Domain
