Confession and Lament Songs

# Song Name Scripture Sectionsort descending Tune License
635 Kyrie Eleison/Lord, Have Mercy (Russia) Confession and Lament KYRIE RUSSIA Public Domain
648 Why Stand So Far Away, My God Psalm 10 Confession and Lament MORNING SONG/CONSOLATION OneLicense
642 Perdón, Señor/Forgive Us, Lord Confession and Lament CONFESSION CCLI
639 Lord, Have Mercy Confession and Lament LORD, HAVE MERCY CCLI
645 Litany for the Slandered Psalm 35 and James 3:9-10 Confession and Lament
644 Lying Lips Psalm 12 Confession and Lament CAPTIVITY/KAS DZIEDAJA OneLicense, Public Domain
621 Give Me a Clean Heart Psalm 51 Confession and Lament GIVE ME A CLEAN HEART OneLicense, Contact Copyright Holder
625 LORD, to You My Soul Is Lifted Psalm 25 Confession and Lament GENEVAN 25 CCLI, OneLicense
612 Optional prayer Confession and Lament Contact Copyright Holder, Public Domain
